Division Machine!
Elementary Math - Division
Recommended by his/her teacher Mr Moore
Project Deadline: 2015-01-01
Division Machine!
I want to improve how quickly I can do my division facts! My teacher and parents will work with me everyday to help me improve my division!
My Teacher Recommendation
Mr Moore (Grade 3)
Kayla is a harworking student who has the potential to do well in math this year. She needs to improve her mathematical automaticity, especially with division. With this resource, she can improve her decision. Her parents and I will work with her by using this resource on a daily basis.
My Product Description
Division Machine
Our self-checking Division Machine makes it easy for children to master math facts! Kids just press the operation buttons…and the answers pop up for immediate reinforcement! 81 buttons are locked securely in the 8 1/2" x 9 1/2" plastic frame.